People from all walks of life attended the ZÈLL-V Bone & Knee and Female Menopause seminar held in ZÈLL-V Wellness Hub on 20.11.16. They learnt about how ZÈLL-V Cellular Therapy is able to rejuvenate their cells and tissue, thus helping to rejuvenate their joints and muscles. As a result, inflammation and pain can be alleviated and their joints are able to regain functionality and mobility. ZÈLL-V is also able to rejuvenate and strengthen women’s reproductive system, helping to restore hormonal balance and alleviate menopausal symptoms so that women can regain their vitality and quality of life. The seminar shall be held in the following venues: Johor Bahru 26/11 & Penang 3/12. Seats are limited. Call our hotline to reserve your place now. • JB 07-550 0788 • PG 04-210 1212 来自各阶层的人士参加了11月20日在ZÈLL-V健康城举办的ZÈLL-V骨骼与膝关节, 及女性更年期研讨会. 他们了解到ZÈLL-V细胞疗法如何能够活化人体细胞和组织, 从而让肌肉和关节恢复正常功能和灵活性, 不再发炎或疼痛. 此外, ZÈLL-V也能够活化和强化女性的生殖系统, 让荷尔蒙恢复平衡, 减轻更年期症状, 使女性可重获活力和生活的质量. 此研讨会将陆续于柔佛 26/11与槟城 3/12 举行. 席位有限, 快拨打以下热线锁定你的位置, 不要错过重拾关节灵活的机会吧! • 柔佛 07-550 0788 • 槟城 04-210 1212 #ZÉLLV #Malaysia #healty #beauty #vitality #Cellulartherapy #rejuvenate #bone #knee #menopause #zellvwellnesshub #jointsandmuscles #qualityoflife

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